Oil Seeds

Oil Seeds

Hulled Sesame Seeds

Hulled Sesame seeds are those sesame seeds in which the outer coating called as the husk is removed to obtain easily digestible seeds. These are a very commonly used ingredient in bakery industry & consumed popularly in the European region. They are extensively used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern bakery cuisines such as Tahini and Halwa

Sesame seeds have anti-ageing properties and is good for the skin. It also has antibacterial properties which improves oral health and even boosts bone health owing to its abundant wealth of Zinc, Calcium and Phosphorous.

Oil Seeds

Soybean Seeds

Soybean or Soya Beans as they are called are a species of legume and are native to East Asia. It is one of the richest and cheapest sources of protein and is a staple in the diets of people and animals in numerous parts of the world. The seed contains 17 percent oil and 63 percent meal, 50 percent of which is protein. Because soybeans contain no starch, they are a good source of protein for diabetics.

They are highly regarded in the vegan circle as the ultimate substitute to meat and even milk. They are low in fats and high in proteins and are hence called lean foods. India is one of the leading nations in Soybean production.

In East Asia and elsewhere, the bean is extensively consumed in the forms of soy milk, a whitish liquid suspension, and tofu, a curd somewhat resembling cottage cheese. Soy sauce, a salty brown liquid, is produced from crushed soybeans and wheat that undergo yeast fermentation in salt water for six months to a year or more; it is a ubiquitous ingredient in Asian cooking. Other fermented soy foods include tempeh, miso, and fermented bean paste.

Soybeans are also sprouted for use as a salad ingredient or as a vegetable and may be eaten roasted as a snack food. Young soybeans, known as edamame, are commonly steamed or boiled and eaten directly from the pod.

Oil Seeds

Ground Nut Kernels

Groundnut, or Peanut, is commonly called the poor man's nut. Today it is an important oilseed and food crop. The botanical name for groundnut, Arachis hypogaea Linn., is derived from two Greek words, Arachis meaning a legume and hypogaea meaning below ground, referring to the formation of pods in the soil. Groundnut is an upright or prostrate annual plant. It is generally distributed in the tropical, sub-tropical and warm temperate zones.

Groundnut are a legume, and are grown underground unlike the other nuts which grow on trees and hence are fruits. It may be defined as a self-pollinated, one- to six-seeded legume which is cultivated throughout the tropical and temperate climates of the world.

Groundnut are also known as peanut, earth-nut, arachis nut, monkey nut and goober pea. Groundnuts are a traditional snack all over the world. Despite its name and appearance, the peanut is not a nut, but rather a legume. During the winter season, from November through March, all over India, one will see roadside stands - ranging from woodsheds to shiny trailers - offering peanuts. Groundnut make for a popular snack and are also used to make cooking oil and peanut butter. They are also an ingredient in many Asian dishes.

Groundnut is an annual herbaceous plant growing 30 to 50 cm (1.0 to 1.6 ft) tall. The leaves are opposite, pinnate with four leaflets (two opposite pairs; no terminal leaflet), each leaflet 1 to 7 cm (⅜ to 2 inch) long and 1 to 3 cm (⅜ to 1 inch) broad.

India is the second largest producer of groundnuts in the world. Indian groundnuts are available in different varieties: Bold or Runner, Java or Spanish and Red Natal.

Groundnut is the major oil seed crop in India and it plays a major role in bridging the vegetable oil deficit in the country. Groundnuts in India are available throughout the year due to a two-crop cycle harvested in March and October. Ground Nuts are important protein crops in India grown mostly under rain-fed conditions.

They have a rich nutty flavour, sweet taste, crunchy texture and over and above a relatively longer shelf life. Soil conditions in some producing regions are ideally suited for dry, clean and spotless Groundnuts in Shell.

The awareness and concern for quality amongst the Indian groundnut shellers and processors are growing steadily. Multiple sorting and grading are fast becoming a norm. Indian manufacturer have the capability to prepare and supply edible peanuts conforming to highest standards.

Oil Seeds

Soyabean Chunks

This range is made using optimum grade de-fatted soy flour, a by-product of extracting soy bean oil. These are known as vegetarian meat and processed using soya flour. These are highly recommended for growing children, elderly persons, expectant mothers, diabetic and cardiac patients. Rich in proteins and natural minerals, it gives a balanced and nutritious diet.